Legal information
Patentanwalt Dr. Thomas Launhardt
Parkstraße 11-13
65549 Limburg
Phone: + 49 (0) 6431 – 590 999 0
Fax: + 49 (0) 6431 – 590 999 59
E-Mail: office(at)
VAT no.: DE 236001552
Tax ID no.: 038 840 60413
Professional liability insurance:
R + V Versicherung AG
Taunusstraße 1
65193 Wiesbaden, Germany
Supervisory authority
As a registered patent attorney in Limburg, Dr. Launhardt is
a member of the
Chamber of Patent Attorneys
Tal 29
80331 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 89 242278-0
Legal disclaimer and legal information
The information on this website is solely intended as general information and is not intended or suitable for use in specific cases. We decline responsibility for the adoption or utilization of this information. All content is meant for general informational purposes only and does not constitute advice. No responsibility is assumed for any third-party websites with regard to their currency, accuracy or completeness. The above-named patent attorney is registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office and is a member of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys. Applicable law for patent attorneys practicing in Germany comprises the German Patent Attorneys Ordinance (PatAnwO; BGBl. I 1996, p. 557, last amended by BGBl. I 2001, p. 3656), the German Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys (BOPA; Mitt. 1997, 243 ff.), and FICPI professional standards (